
Shipping & Returns

You may return new, unopened items or unworn apparel (with tags) within 30 days of purchase for a refund or a credit that can be used for exchange or new purchase.  Log in to request the return from your order history.

Like many retailers, we charge a FEE for apparel refund requests. Our FEE is $9.00 minimum, or 15% of the order total less shipping. It covers inspection and handling.  This FEE will be subtracted from your refund. In addition we may subtract the cost of a return shipping label if supplied. A return label cost is $8 regardless of order size or weight if requested.  Many customer return items to the store so we do not automatically supply a label.  Return shipping is free if we made an error or the item is damaged.

Skip the fee!  Just ask for store credit that can be used for an exchange or future purchase.

It's easy to request the return through the site by logging in and going to order history.

Upon receiving your request, (through our web store), we will issue an RMA number (return merchandise authorization) and return instructions.  We can email a shipping label but the cost will be deducted from the refund.  If the return is because of our error (incorrect or defective item), we will supply a prepaid shipping label. 

If you can't find your order info, no worries; email us at, or call 503-206-5858 (10 am - 5 pm PT), and we will help get your return processed.

We strive to issue an approval for your exchange request or refund the next business day.  We process all exchange, credit, or refund approvals within two days of receiving the item(s) back.   Please remember it can take up to 8 days for USPS to return a shipment from the East Coast, and your credit card may take a couple of days to process. 

Return Address:

800 SW Washington St.
Portland OR, 97205-3209

We ship to all of the United States and, Puerto Rico!  Buyer is responsible for supplying a secure delivery point for delivery.  When you place an order, you will be given three options, FREE shipping by USPS, A flat rate USPS 2-3 day priority mail, or In-Store pick up if you live in Portland, Oregon.

If tracking shows delivery but item is missing and the items tracking show it was delivered to the supplied address it is the responsibility of the buyer not underU4men or Apothecary4men. You need to submit a claim to UPS or USPS that this item was not correctly delivered. If stolen, one option might be the buyers credit card purchase insurance and filing a claim for stolen product. As the shipper our liability is limited if the item show delivered to the correct address.  

We will try to help with replacement at a discount or gift card is some cases, please inquire.   Charge Backs are not an option if the tracking shows delivered. Contested charges and resolutions charges will be passed back to the buyer.

Duncan L purchased: for 5 minutes ago.
Alex M purchased: for 16 minutes ago.
Paul W purchased: for 19 minutes ago.
Sam P purchased: for 27 minutes ago.